How-to: Visiting all neighbors in a grid

This post presents a simpole Python3 code snippet that visits all neighbors of a cell in a MxN grid.

Graph Algorithms: Union-find

This post presents a Python 3 implementation of the union-find algorithm with different optimization techniques:

Algorithm Patterns: Linked Lists

This post lists a bunch of useful patterns when working with linked lists (both singly and doubly linked lists).

Why can't I execute this file as root on Linux?

Is the file executable? If you are familiar with Linux, then you have probably heard that a root-privileged process is granted all access when it’s checked against permissions.

How I have been learning Go

For the past couple of weeks I have been learning Go and I found some resources of which I think they are worth sharing.

Hello world!

Hello world! After 3 years I decided to move my old blog www apoehlmann com to a new domain, based on a new tech stack: Go & GitOps.