Telegram crypto bot: autocomplete feature via prefix tree
In this post we improve our inline Telegram crypto bot by adding an autocomplete feature that dispalys possible crypto symbols based on the user’s input. We will implement this autocomlete feature using a prefix tree. If you’re not familiar with prefix trees, checkout my previous post IMPLEMENT A PREFIX TREE (AKA. TRIE).
Here’s a preview of our final inaline bot with autocomplete:
You can catch up on our previous work in the following posts:
The code changes will consist of two parts:
- Implement a trie class that provides the autocomplete feature
- Update our Telegram bot class, i.e. the inline handler, to make use of the new trie class
1. Trie with autocomplete
This class will basically contain the main logic for our autocomplete.
How does it work
The idea is as follows:
- we populate a prefix tree with (a subset of) crypto
symbols from FTX, e.g.
and many more (we need to implement this) - whenever the user talks to the bot via an inline query, that query gets forwarded to our inline-handler (this is done by Telegram automatically, so we don’t have to do anything here)
- we use the query string from the previous step as a prefix to do a recursive search through our trie: the result of this recursive search will be the autocompletion (we need to implement this)
- finally, the results from the previous step, if any, will be displayed to the user in the app
Show me the code already
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.end = False
self.children = {}
def autocomplete(self, prefix):
# we're at the end of a word, yield the result
if self.end:
yield prefix
# else, recurse over each child-character
# of the current node and append the
# corresponding letter to the prefix
# -> this will build up the autocompleted string
for letter, child in self.children.items():
yield from child.autocomplete(prefix + letter)
class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Node()
def insert(self, word):
cur = self.root
for c in word:
if c not in cur.children:
cur.children[c] = Node()
cur = cur.children[c]
cur.end = True
def autocomplete(self, word):
cur = self.root
# starting at the root
# traverse the trie for each
# character in `word`
for c in word:
cur = cur.children.get(c)
if cur is None: # word does not exist in our trie
# recursively autocomplete all possible words
# starting at the final character node
yield from cur.autocomplete(word)
if __name__ == '__main__':
trie = Trie()
Note, the '__main__'
part is actually not necessary but it allows you
to test the functionality:
apoehlmann:~/workspace/telegram-bot$ python
['foo', 'foob', 'foobar', 'foof']
2. Update the inline handler to make use of the autocomplete feature
I will just present the whole Telegram class because I also did some refactoring of our original code and I think there’s no simple way of only presenting the changed parts.
How does it work:
The main idea:
- We add an
method, which queries FTX for all crypto data and filters out only crypto symbols that end with eitherUSD
(mainly to reduce the size of the result + I’m not interested in futures and the other stuff). We save these filtered crypto symbols into a variable calledself.market_names_perp_usd
- Our
class now also instantiates aTrie
object with all crypto symbols inself.market_names_perp_usd
- Whenever the user talks to the bot via an inline query, our inline handler
first fetches a list of autocompleted words, i.e.
autocompleted = self.trie.autocomplete(query)
If this list is non-empty we iterate through the market data and fetch the prices of all coins which are part of
. - In a last step, we sort the market data alphabetically by the crypto symbol before displaying the top 50 results to the user (50 is a constraint given by Telegram, see the API doc)
Show me the code already
The code can be seen in action in the GIF at the top of the page.
class TelegramBot:
def __init__(self, api_key, crypto_client):
self.crypto_client = crypto_client, self.market_names_perp_usd = [], []
self.trie = None
# Create the Updater and pass it your bot's token.
self.updater = Updater(api_key)
# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher
# on different commands - answer in Telegram
self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cprice", self.cprice))
self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cp", self.cprice))
inline_price_handler = InlineQueryHandler(self.inline_price)
unknown_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.command, self.unknown)
def update_markets(self, with_trie=False): = [coin for coin in self.crypto_client._get(f"markets")]
self.market_names_perp_usd = [entry["name"] for entry in
if entry["name"].endswith('PERP') or
if with_trie:
def init_trie(self, words=[]):
self.trie = Trie()
def update_trie(self, words):
if self.trie is None:
self.trie = Trie()
for word in words:
def start_bot(self):
# Start the Bot
# Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
# SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since
# start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully.
def cprice(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
# context.args is a list that contains all space separated strings
# following the command, e.g. /cprice xrp btc -> ["xrp", "btc"]
coins = context.args
# get markets data via the crypto client
# and update the trie at the same time
# so we add new symbols if any new ones appeared since
# the last time we queried the exchange
# for each coin symbol provided by in the query
text = ''
for coin in coins:
# transform it to uppercase first
# because the FTX market names are all uppercase
coin_upper = coin.upper()
found = False
# for each market entry fetched from the exchange
for entry in
# if there's a match with our crypto symbol
if entry['name'].startswith(coin_upper):
found = True
# append it to our string result
text += f'{entry["name"]} price: {entry["last"]}\n' \
f'Last 01h: {100 * entry["change1h"]:.2f}%\n' \
f'Last 24h: {100 * entry["change24h"]:.2f}%\n\n'
if not found:
text += f'Sorry, no crypto symbol starting with {coin.upper()} has been found.\n\n', text=text)
def inline_price(self, update, context):
query = update.inline_query.query.upper()
if not query:
# get a generator of autocompleted words
autocompleted = self.trie.autocomplete(query)
if autocompleted is not None:
ac = set(autocompleted)
# for each crypto coin, create a InlineQueryResultArticle
# if the name is present in the set of autocompleted symbols
# finally, sort the result alphabetically
results = sorted([
input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(f'/cp {coin["name"]}')
) for coin in if coin['name'] in ac
], key=lambda x:, results[:50])
def unknown(self, update, context):, text="Sorry, I didn't understand that command.")
Can we do better?
Indeed, we can. Right now, we use double for-loops where both loops iterate through lists: the symbols
list (given by the query) and the market data. Instead of iterating through the whole market data list
to compare if any item in it matches the symbol of the query we could use a different data
structure for the market data, e.g. a set. This would allow doing existence checks in O(1)
runtime, making the inner loop obsolete.
Also, our autocompletion right now has no memory: for every new query we run the whole recursive search, even when the user queries the same crypto symbol that was queried before. A way more likely use-case is that users query a bunch of coins with a high frequency, while most of the coins won’t get queried at all. So it might make sense to add a cache to the prefix tree.
Also, note that our bot right now updates the trie only in one direction: new coins/symbols are being added to the try, while there is no purge of outdated ones that might not be available on the market anymore. One might want to change this, else users might be presented with autocompleted symbol names which will just lead to a notification that no cyrpto symbol with the corresponding name was found.
These are just a few optimizations. Since the whole code base was kept simple for ease of understanding, I’m sure there are quite a few more possible improvements.